Glasgow City GC200 Club Sweep
Help support our club and have a great chance of winning big prizes
Our GC200 Club Sweep takes place every month, with a monthly prize of £100..It costs as little as £1.25 per month to enter and you can have as many shots as you like. All we ask is that you sign up by standing order so that you can guarantee you are in every draw every month.
Simply print off our Club Sweep Standing Order form and fill it in by completing the name and address of your bank along with your account number and sort code. Then choose how many shots you would like per month. It is £1.25 per go, so if you want for example 3 shots, then set your standing order up for £3.75 per month. Lastly, don't forget to sign and date the form.
We need never see your standing order as you yourself can post or hand the form into your bank. Alternatively, if you are more used to online banking you can set this up yourself on your online account. All we ask is that you notify us with your name and contact details and of course how many shots you have signed up for. The best way to do this is to email our club secretary.
You will then receive a confirmation email back to let you know that you are in the draw and thereafter will receive regular updates on our club and club sweep, detailing very importantly the announcement of our winners, which may very likely be you!
Remember, if you are not in it, you cannot win it.