Peter Caulfield

It is with deep regret that Glasgow City announces the departure of Manager Peter Caulfield from the club.

Peter has been at Glasgow City since 1999 as has been without doubt one of the major driving forces behind Glasgow City’s development and success. Sitting alongside club founders Carol Anne Stewart and Laura Montgomery, Peter has been at the forefront of everything Glasgow City has achieved and is proud of.

A true professional and respected ambassador of the club, Peter will be a major loss to Glasgow City in more ways than anyone can imagine and the club truly hopes that one day we will be able to see his return.

Laura Montgomery commented, “I am lost for words to describe how empty I feel not having Peter at the club. Himself, Carol Anne and I have been inseparable for almost 12 years now as we worked together to make Glasgow City as successful as we possibly can. The door will remain for ever open to Peter and we will constantly endeavour to seek his return. Glasgow City is by far a lesser club without him”.
