Maritime Craft sponsor Emma and Lauren

Glasgow City are delighted to reveal that Maritime Craft Services (Clyde) Ltd have teamed up with Scotland’s top side once more with their announcement of sponsorship for two first team players - Emma Fernon and Lauren McMurchie.

A proud sponsor of Glasgow City since its inception in 1998, the ongoing support of Maritime Craft Services (MCS) has been overwhelming for the Scottish Champions, who proudly wear the MCS logo on their sleeve, as a main sponsor of the First team.

The sponsorship of Lauren and Emma will allow two of the country’s finest talents to be able to focus on their football and in assisting Glasgow City in its quest for honours once more this season.

Maritime Craft are a Largs based company who operate a fleet of tugboats and workboats who work internationally.    

Pictured right - Emma Fernon in action for Glasgow City, with thanks to Stephen Kennedy. Pictured below - MCS trackside advert before a City Champions League match, with thanks to Andy Buist.

If you would like to find out how you sponsor a City star, get in touch by email -

