Cas sponsors Jo Love of Glasgow City

Glasgow City are delighted to announce the sponsorship of another first team player as Jo Love is backed by our very own Carol Anne Stewart.

Now in her second season with City, Jo is one of Scotland’s greatest ever talents having already amassed 107 caps for Scotland, despite just having turned 26 years old.

Chairperson Carol Anne Stewart described why she wanted to help Jo. She said, “Being so close to the players, I am very much aware of the financial hardships that they have to endure as a result of their commitments to football both for ourselves and also for Scotland. We desperately want all of our players to have sponsors, so that they are out of pocket as little as possible when it comes to their sport. It is frustrating that players of this dedication and talent are still in an unpaid environment, but every little helps and hopefully this will assist Jo in some way.”

If you would like to sponsor Jo or any other Glasgow City player, please get in touch for a sponsorship pack. You can sponsor a player on your own or with others, to share the cost. All payments are monthly to spread the cost and we have different packages dependant on your budget. Email

Pic of Jo Love celebrating with Christie Murray by Graeme Berry .
Pic of Carol Anne Stewart by Lorraine Hill
